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Mais colocações nominais do termo warrant como substantivo

segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2009

Atualizado em 22 de dezembro de 2009 11:58

Mais colocações nominais do termo warrant como substantivo

Concluindo a primeira parte do tema inaugurado na coluna "A tradução de warrant como substantivo", apresentamos mais colocações nominais do termo warrant e respectivos exemplos de contexto.

1. murder warrant - mandado de prisão por homicídio

 "Palo Alto police had been tailing him for hours while waiting for a Santa Clara County judge to sign the murder warrant."1

2. execution warrant (também death penalty warrant) - mandado de execução de pena de morte

 "A few days later, the Missouri state supreme court issued a revised execution warrant, changing the date of execution from January the 27th to February the 10th, 1999."2

3. theft warrant - mandado de prisão por furto

 ".It would be a beautiful world if we could serve every petty theft warrant we get, said Detective Lori Kratzer."3

4. daytime warrant - mandado judicial a ser cumprido durante o dia

 "Ron' s lawyers determined that the police search warrant was a daytime warrant, barring police from entering Ron' s house after 10 at night."

5. failure-to-appear warrant - mandado de prisão por contumácia

 "Two weeks later he was arrested again on a failure-to-appear warrant."4

6. no-bail felony warrant - mandado de prisão por crime inafiançável

 "Earlier this year, Desantiago, who has two eyeballs tattooed on the back of his head and " 666 " on his forehead, was wanted again -- this time on a narcotics warrant and a no-bail felony warrant for violating his probation."5

7. surveillance warrant - ordem judicial para investigação criminal

 "The government could ask for a special surveillance warrant to track individual spies or terrorists."6

8. truth serum warrant - ordem judicial autorizando aplicação de droga da verdade

 "We've never had such a thing as a truth serum warrant - but we've never had the Twin Towers blown up either."7

9. material witness warrant - mandado de prisão de testemunha-chave

 "A material witness warrant usually is used in criminal cases to make sure that elusive witnesses will be available for a trial or a deposition."8

10. warrant for contempt - ordem de prisão por desacato

 "Forthwith, he was ordered arrested on a Senate warrant for contempt."9

No ano que vem, trataremos do termo warrant em colocações verbais e warrant como verbo.

Em tempo: Feliz 2010!


  • Referências:

Davies, Mark. Corpus of Contemporary American English. Disponível em:

Davies, Mark. Time Corpus of American English. Disponível em:


1 Fonte: Corpus of Contemporary American English

2 Fonte: Corpus of Contemporary American English

3 Fonte: Corpus of Contemporary American English

4 Fonte: Corpus of Contemporary American English

5 Fonte: Corpus of Contemporary American English

6 Fonte: Corpus of Contemporary American English

7 Fonte: Corpus of Contemporary American English

8 Fonte: Corpus of Contemporary American English

9 Fonte: Time Magazine Corpus
