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As áreas do direito e sua tradução para o inglês - Parte II

segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009

Atualizado em 4 de junho de 2009 07:37

As áreas do direito e sua tradução para o inglês - Parte II

Dando continuidade ao tema da semana passada, abaixo apresentamos mais algumas áreas do direito com suas respectivas traduções e abonações para fins de contexto1.

direito de autor

  • copyright law

§ Publications are not available for loan, but photocopying within the terms of copyright law is available.

direito de família

  • family law

§ Arguments in favour of delegalization of family law stem from dissatisfaction with law as an instrument for dealing with family relationships.

direito de imprensa

  • media law

§ When British media law is compared with the jurisprudence of America, Canada, France, Scandinavia and Australia, however, it is seen to lack a number of features which are regarded as fundamental to press freedom in a democracy.

direito do consumidor

  • consumer law

§ I have also written quite extensively on product liability and on aspects of consumer law.

direito do trabalho

  • labor law

§ Labour law will always reflect the balance of power in society, and a fully fledged labour court system will not remove class and fundamental employer-employee differences.

direito eleitoral

  • electoral law

§ Chirac used this (1986-; 88) for a series of economic and social measures, including privatisation and for a reform of the electoral law in 1986.

direito empresarial

  • company law

§ Legislative decisions on most issues, including competition law and company law, are taken by; 'qualified'; majority before the Council.

  • business law

§ You'd then be able to choose between, say, Economics I, Business Law I, Accounting I, Industrial Relations I and so on.

direito falimentar

  • insolvency law

§ It is a principle of insolvency law that the expenses of a company's liquidation are payable out of the assets of the company in priority to all other claims.

  • bankruptcy law

§ The Insolvency Act 1986, which became law on 29 December 1986, brings about the greatest changes in bankruptcy law and practice for more than a century.

direito habitacional

  • housing law

§ Great questions such as the way in which buildings may be rehabilitated, or private and council landlords forced to meet basic standards of health and safety within their properties, have been largely pushed into the field of what has been designated "Housing Law [.]".

Na semana que vem, apresentaremos a terceira e última parte da coluna com mais traduções de áreas do direito. Até lá!


1Todos os exemplos, salvo quando indicado, foram retirados do British National Corpus disponível em
