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As cores no inglês jurídico: White

segunda-feira, 21 de novembro de 2011

Atualizado em 18 de novembro de 2011 13:40

As cores no inglês jurídico: White

Você sabia que a tradução de white pode até ser vermelho?

Depois de blue e red, vejamos hoje quais as expressões empregadas na linguagem jurídica em inglês que contêm white1.

1. in white - "He was already in white".

Tradução: de branco

2. nonwhites - "We know that if whites and nonwhites vote in the same percentages as they did in 2000, Bush will be re-defeated by 3 million votes, " Bond told his audience".

Tradução: população não branca

3. white - "Ironically, the Democratic Party also included one of the most conservative constituencies in the nation - southern whites - whose partisanship reflected a lingering revulsion for the party of Lincoln rather than a commitment to self-centered values".

Tradução: ultraconservador

4. white bill - "The DAB has called on the government to issue its fifth report on constitutional development and to introduce a white bill on political reform as soon as possible to gather more public views on the issue2".

Tradução: projeto de lei que submetido à opinião pública

5. white collar crime - "These measures, including a generous posture by the interviewers and the redefinition of many offenses as white collar crimes, set the stage for the board of appeals to recommend that the sentences of seventy-seven of ninety-three defendants be reduced and almost half the outstanding death sentences be commuted".

Tradução: crime de colarinho branco

6. white collar employee/worker - "Usually, members include not only production workers but also supervisors, fore-men and most of the white collar employees below the management level".

Tradução: executivo

7. White House - "Obama meets with Gates once a week at the White House, something he does with only two other cabinet officers".

Tradução: Casa Branca, presidência dos Estados Unidos, o presidente dos Estados Unidos

8. white knight - "A white knight is a person who is asked to acquire a company as an alternative to an unwanted black knight, who is the investor initiating a hostile takeover bid".

Tradução: empresa que adquire controle de outra de forma não hostil

9. white out - "Some information appeared to be " whited out, " without explanation".

Tradução: apagar

10. white paper - "The objectives of the White Paper are to create an individual market out of 12 independent markets, market expansion, and market flexibility".

Tradução: relatório oficial

11. white slavery - "In the movie, a pair of Chinese henchmen hang around Mrs. Meers' boardinghouse, waiting to grab young women and sell them into white slavery".

Tradução: tráfico de pessoas

12. white with fury - "My companion's face was white with fury".

Tradução: vermelho de raiva

13. whites - "It was a wedding picture, taken during World War II, and George is dressed in his Navy whites, and Ethel is wearing a white wedding dress of the period".

Tradução: uniforme da marinha

14. whites - "We know that if whites and nonwhites vote in the same percentages as they did in 2000, Bush will be re-defeated by 3 million votes, " Bond told his audience".

Tradução: população branca


1Todos os exemplos foram retirados do COCA (clique aqui), salvo quando expressamente mencionada outra fonte.

2Fonte (clique aqui)
