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As colocações de sentence - Parte 2

segunda-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2011

Atualizado em 29 de dezembro de 2010 15:41

As colocações de sentence - Parte 2

Abaixo mais alguns padrões linguísticos ou colocações que coocorrem com sentence, seus contextos e respectivas traduções. Os exemplos foram retirados do COCA1.

11. determinate sentence - "Roughly 7 percent of juveniles who enter TYC, the most violent offenders, are handed a specific prison term called a "determinate sentence." But regardless of its length or the original offense, TYC can hold a youth past his minimum sentence only if he fails to complete a rehabilitation program or commit a violation within 30 days of the date before his minimum sentence ends." Tradução: pena determinada

12. excessive sentence - "I represented Jim Bakker on the appeal from his sentence, an excessive sentence, 45 years." Tradução: pena excessiva

13. fixed sentence (ver mandatory sentence)

14. indeterminate sentence - "You, Amy Fisher, are hereby sentenced to an indeterminate sentence of imprisonment, which will have a maximum term of 15 years, and the court hereby imposes a minimum term of five years." Tradução: pena com direito à progressão

15. intermittent sentence - "An intermittent sentence of up to 90 days is served on specific days only and not on consecutive days of the week2." Tradução: pena a ser cumprida em regime semiaberto

16. life sentence - "The jury recommended a life sentence, which Judge Stanford Blake imposed." Tradução: pena de prisão perpétua

17. mandatory sentence - "Lester is an inmate in Michigan, the state with far and away the harshest mandatory sentences for selling cocaine." Tradução: pena prevista em lei (i.e. pena que não dá margem à aplicação, pelo juízo, de elementos que atuariam sobre a individualização da pena)

18. maximum sentence - "Madoff pleaded guilty to all 11 counts he was charged with, including fraud, perjury, and theft, which carry maximum sentences of up to 150 years in jail." Tradução: pena maxima

19. minimum sentence - "If convicted, Terrell faces a mandatory minimum sentence of five to 10 years in prison." Tradução: pena minima

20. multiple sentences (ver concurrent or consecutive sentences)



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