Migalhas Quentes

Legal Specialist Required for Mozambique

The International Bar Association


Legal Specialist Required for Mozambique

In its role as a dual membership organisation, comprising 16,000 individual lawyers and 194 Bar Associations and Law Societies, the International Bar Association influences the development of international law reform and shapes the future of the legal profession.

The International Bar Association (IBA) is seeking a Legal Specialist to work for a period of one year to undertake capacity building work with the Mozambique Lawyers Association. The capacity building is aimed at strengthening the ability of the Association to meet the needs of the profession and to develop a continuing legal education program. The Legal Specialist will also be required to monitor rule of law issues and to contribute to the enhancing of the capacity of the Mozambique Lawyers Association to advocate strongly in support of the rule of law at national and regional levels.

The role of the Legal Specialist includes:


Support Package:

How to apply: Send cover letter and full CV by post or e- mail to:

E-mail :personnel@int-bar.org

Please copy all emails to: greg.mayne@int-bar.org






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