Capital and Financial Markets - Post-Crisis Developments
terça-feira, 21 de maio de 2013
Atualizado às 15:20
Capital and Financial Markets - Post-Crisis Developments
Data: 27/5
Horário: 8h30 às 13h
Local: Auditório da Direito GV (Rua Rocha, 233 - São Paulo/SP)
Vanderbilt Law School, Tilburg Law School and Direito GV join efforts to analyze recent developments in capital and financial markets regulation and practice. By using an interdisciplinary approach drawing from law, finance and economics, the objective of the conference is to raise and debate current issues such as governmental efficiency, the relationship between IPOs and growth, credit ratings, executive remuneration and international shareholder say on pay, capital and financial markets litigation, insider trading and voting rights.
International professors meet top Brazilian scholars in a full day of comparative analysis that culminates with the launching of Direito GV's new Center for Law, Economics & Governance.
Keynote Speech by
- Professor Aloisio de Araujo
- Professors Érica Gorga
Direito GV
- Randall Thomas
Vanderbilt Law School
- Joseph McCahery
Tilburg University Faculty of Law
8h30 - Registration and Networking Breakfast
8h50 - Opening Speech - Prof. Oscar Vieira Vilhena (Direito GV's Dean).
Launching of Direito GV's new Center for Law, Economics & Governance
9h - Prof. Florencio Lopez de Silanes (EDHEC and DSF) "Letter Grading Government Efficiency"
Prof. Armando Castelar (IBRE - FGV)
9h40 - Prof. Erik Vermeulen (Tilburg Law School) "Corporate Governance, IPOs and Growth"
Prof. Ricardo Leal (COPPEAD - UFRJ)
10h15 - Prof. Joseph McCahery (Tilburg University and DSF) "Managerial Entrenchment, Credit Ratings, Covenants and Fees"
Prof. Richard Saito (FGV - EAESP)
10h50 - Open debate
11h15 - Networking Coffee Break
11h30 - KEYNOTE SPEECH - Prof. Aloisio de Araujo (EPGE - FGV/ IMPA) -
12h30 às 13h30 - Lunch Break
13h30 - Prof. Randall Thomas (Vanderbilt Law School) "The First Year of Say On Pay Under Dodd-Frank: Na Empirical Analysis and Look Forward"
13h50 - Profs. Alexandre Di Miceli da Silveira and Lucas Barros (FEA - USP) "Facing the Regulators: Non-Compliance with Detailed Mandatory Compensation Disclosure in Brazil"
Prof. Ary Oswaldo Mattos Filho (Direito GV) e Gustavo Gonzalez Machado (CVM)
14h40 - Open Debate
15h10 - Prof. Érica Gorga (Direito GV), "Litigation Discovery and Corporate Governance"
15h30 - Prof. Bruno Salama (Direito GV), "Citizens versus Banks: Financial Market Litigiousness in Brazil"
Prof. Morgan Ricks (Vanderbilt Law School)
16h10 - Networking Coffee Break
16h30 - Prof. Yesha Yadav (Vanderbilt Law School), "Rethinking Insider Trading in Complex Securities Markets"
16h50 - Prof. Mariana Pargendler (Direito GV), "The Evolution of Shareholder Voting Rights: Separation of Ownership and Consumption"
Prof. Margaret Blair (Vanderbilt Law School)
17h30 - Open Debate
18h - End of Program
As inscrições podem ser realizadas até 23/05/2013.
Alunos FGV e outras instituições:
R$ 50,00
Assinantes Capital Aberto:
Associados (P. Física) IBGC:
Participantes (geral):
Direito GV
Ganhadores :
Gabriela Cruz Miguel
Marcos José Mazutti
(11) 3799-7777