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IBRADEMP - Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Empresarial lança "International Business Transactions with Brazil"



IBRADEMP - Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Empresarial lança "International Business Transactions with Brazil"

A obra "International Business Transactions with Brazil", será lançada no dia 24 de novembro pelo IBRADEMP - Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Empresarial, com o palestrante João Carlos Medeiros Ferraz, gerente geral da Petrobrás, sobre o tema "Project Finance - Oil and Gas". O evento acontece a partir das 18h30 na Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV (rua Rocha, 233, Bela Vista - SP).

Autores dos artigos :

• Prefácio - William T. Allen;

• The IPO Market in Brazil - Andrew B. Jánszky, Tobias Stirnberg e João Vicente Camarota;

• The Brazilian Legal Environment for Companies with Diffuse Ownership - Marcelo S. Barbosa;

• Merger Control in Brazil — The Current Regime, The Latest Improvements and The Proposed Reform - Ecio Perin Junior e Guilherme F.C. Ribas ;

• Takeovers in Brazil - Syllas Tozzini e Renato Berger;

• Opportunities and Challenges for Foreign Private Equity Investors in Brazil - S. Wade Angus e Mariana Pargendler ;

• Private Equity/Venture Capital Funds in Brazil (Fundos de Investimento em Participações-FIPS) - Marcos Rafael Flesch e Marina da Silva Prado;

• Brazilian Regulatory Private Equity Investment Funds — FIPS: Advantages and Benefits - Ricardo C. Veirano e Gustavo Moraes Stolagli;

• Joint Ventures in Brazil - Diane G. Kerr, Manuel Garciadiaz e Adriano Castello Branco;

• Considerations for Investments in Brazil - Pedro Aguiar de Freitas;

• Some Thoughts for Boards of Directors in 2008 - Martin Lipton;

• Corporate Governance in Brazil and Bovespa’s Listing Segments - Carlos Motta e Adriana Cortese Julião;

• The Rise of a Global Champion Amid Consolidation of the World’s Exchanges - NYSE Euronext;

• Bridging the Gap — Recent Sec Initiatives to Ease Burdens on Foreign Private Issuers - Antonio N. Piccirillo e Leonardo Di Cola;

• The U.S. High Yield Bond Market - Peter V. Darrow e Luke S. Richbourg;

• Overview on Eurobond Issuances by Brazilian Issuers - Donald E. Baker e John W. Anderson, Jr;

• Hybrid Securities — An Overview of their Features and Adaptation to Changing Markets - Jonathan Walcoff e Beatriz Franco;

• Brazil's New Recuperação Judicial Proceedings - New Hope for Brazilian Companies in Search of Relief Under the Section 3(A)(10) Registration Exemption?” - Richard J. Cooper e Dalmau Garcia;

• Funding in the Brazilian Market and Receivable Funds - Luis Peyser e Flávio Tudisco;

• Securitization by Brazilian Issuers in the International Capital Markets - Emil Arca;

• The Evolution of Credit Derivatives Documentation Internationally and the Perspectives for its Development in Brazil - Anthony R.G. Nolan e Rodrigo de Moraes Salles;

• An Outlook on Brazilian Real Estate Funds as Vehicle to Real Estate Investment in Brazil - Lúcio Feijó Lopes;

• Due Diligence in Securities Offerings by International Issuers - Eduardo Vidal, Sofia Grafanaki-Fasouli e Alexis Alvarez;

• Public-Private Partnerships (“PPP”) in Brazil - Isabel C. Franco e Renato Poltronieri;

• Guarantees and Security Interest in Project Finance Transactions for the Oil and Gas Industry in Brazil - Ricardo E. Vieira Coelho;

• Project Finance at Petrobras — How the Company Made Use of Project Finance Structures to Overcome its Biggest Financial Challenges and Feasibly Developed its Best Projects Between 1995 and 2004 - João Carlos M. Ferraz;

• Renewable Energy and Green Technology — An Analysis of Opportunities Between the United States and Brazil - Rafael Figueiredo e Rodney Alves ;

• Challenges and Opportunities for Brazil in the Carbon Markets — The Unresolved Issue of Forest Conservation - Rubén Kraiem;

• A Guideline to Transnational Bankruptcy and the New Brazilian Reorganization Law - Paulo Cezar Aragão e Laura Mendes Bumachar ;

• The Application of the New Brazilian Bankruptcy Law and Proposed Reforms: Our Experience in the Acquisition of Distressed Assets — The Varig Case - Paulo Penalva Santos Lobo, Otto Eduardo Fonseca de Albuquerque Lobo e Daniel Kalansky;

• Arbitration in Brazil on Corporate Matters - Joaquim de Paiva Muniz;


Para mais informações e RSVP: pelo e-mail eventos@ibrademp.org.br ou pelo telefone 11 3255-0399/3496-1646.



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