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Resultado do sorteio do livro "The Employment Law Review"

Veja quem ganhou o livro "The Employment Law Review" (Law Business Research – 509p.), organizado por Erika C. Collins.


Sorteio de obra

O escritório Pinheiro Neto Advogados colaborou com o livro "The Employment Law Review" (Law Business Research – 509p.), organizado por Erika C. Collins. O sócio Luis Antonio Ferraz Mendes e o associado Maurício Fróes Guidi escreveram o capítulo destinado ao Brasil na obra sobre o Direito do Trabalho, que aborda as diferenças da legislação em 37 países.

Confira um trecho do prefácio de Erika C. Collins

When I was asked to be the Editor of "The Employment Law Review", I was delighted because this book is long overdue. Both in-house employment lawyers and law firm practitioners need a desk-book resource for dealing with global employment matters. International employment law has grown considerably as a practice area over the past decade to serve multinational corporations that require centralised knowledge about employment law in each jurisdiction they operate in. International employment law is not only a fascinating exercise in comparative law but also a provocative exercise in comparative culture — how a society chooses to treat its workforce is indicative of that country’s value system and priorities.

My career gives a good illustration of the rapid and tremendous expansion of international employment law. I began in San Francisco practising US employment litigation. I realised, however, that I did not want to litigate after spending a year second-chairing six sexual harassment and race discrimination cases for the same client. As much as I knew litigation was not for me, I also knew I loved employment law. Thus, in 1997, I chose to start a new job, providing daily counselling and advice to technology companies in Silicon Valley.

Within a month, one of my clients had started a global restructuring. The client needed to make 6,000 employees redundant and shut down nine offices worldwide. I spent six months working closely with lawyers in Tokyo, Beijing, Taiwan, Singapore, Paris, London, Rome and Hamburg. I quickly gained an understanding of how different employment laws are in every country, and I discovered that the concept of ‘at-will’ employment is unique to the US. By the end of the restructuring, I was hooked. I spent the start of my career in international employment trying to convince others that this was an important practice area that was going to continue to grow. It is striking to see how so many global law firms are developing (or have already developed) international employment law practice groups.

Sobre os autores

Luis Antonio Ferraz Mendes é bacharel em Direito pela USP e membro do SINSA (Sindicato das Sociedades de Advogados dos Estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro). Atua na área trabalhista em consultoria, contencioso judicial e administrativo, negociações coletivas e auditorias legais.

Maurício Fróes Guidi é bacharel em Direito pela PUC/SP. Atua na área trabalhista em consultivo e contencioso, planos de incentivo de longo prazo (stock option e participação nos lucros), direito internacional do trabalho e trabalho marítimo.


 Ganhadora :

Juliana Mayumi Oshiro Ono, diretora de conteúdo da FISCOSoft Editora, de São Paulo/SP




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