Convenção Desafios legais para o investimento estrangeiro na América Latina
quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008
Atualizado às 11:17
Desafios legais para o investimento estrangeiro na América Latina
Data: 8 e 9/5
Local: Hotel Mercure Ibirapuera (SP)
A Seção de Direito Internacional da American Bar Association (ABA), associação voluntária de advogados que goza de imenso prestígio e credibilidade nos EUA, realiza pela primeira vez no Brasil, uma conferência para discutir os principais obstáculos para a entrada de capital estrangeiro na América Latina sob inúmeros aspectos.
O evento, apresentado pelo Comitê da América Latina & Caribe e organizado por nove escritórios* de advocacia do Brasil, espera reunir cerca de 300 profissionais nos dias 8 e 9 de maio, no hotel Mercure Ibirapuera (SP), onde será realizado o evento.
Temas como sustentabilidade, corrupção, mercado de capitais e proteção à propriedade intelectual integram os oito painéis que serão conduzidos por renomados especialistas em áreas como investimento estrangeiro, comércio, arbitragem e recursos naturais.
8/5 - Thursday
8h am - 10h am - Registration
Pre-Meeting Reception at the Mercure Grand Hotel Opened to all registered attendees.
9/5 - Friday
7h30am - 4h30pm - Registration
7h30am - 8h45am - Continental Breakfast
9h am - 10h40am
Program: Developing Sustainable Growth
Laws and regulations to protect the environment are now a critical part of the legal landscape in Latin America. This panel will explore the impact of these laws on investment and provide a perspective on achieving sustainable growth in the region. Among other things, the panel will address the risks investors confront in environmental regulation, strategies to address these risks and practical solutions involving environment-friendly technologies pioneered in the region.
Werner Grau Neto (moderator), Pinheiro Neto Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Adriana Mathias Baptista, Tozzini Freire Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Guillermo Malm Green, Brons & Salas, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Juilán Ruiz, Ferrere Abogados, Montevideo, Uruguay
-Martin Santa Maria Oyanedel, Guerrero, Olivos, Novoa Y Errazuriz, Santiago, Chile
-Alexandre Nassar Lopes, Fragata e Antunes, Sao Paulo, Brazil
9h am - 10h40am
Program: The War against Money Laundering and Corruption
Recent years have seen substantially increased international enforcement of laws and international conventions against corruption and money-laundering. Responding to substantial pressure in OECD and other capital-exporting countries, investors are increasingly focusing on compliance programs to address corruption and money-laundering issues confronted by their investments in Latin America. This panel will examine the current state of anti-corruption and money-laundering regulation in the region, the effectiveness of these measures and best practices for foreign investors in the region. It will also explore the impact of international cooperation in criminal matters and stepped-up enforcement in the United States and other capital-exporting countries.
-Octavio José Aronis (moderator), Advocacia Idel Aronis, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Aaron Schildhaus, Law Offices of Aaron Schildhaus, Washington, DC, USA
-Diego Martin Dedeu, Estudio Dedeu - Ferrario, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Guillermo Jorge, Universidad de San Andres, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Heloisa Estellita, Toron, Torihara e Szafir Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Patricia V. de L. Guidi, Noronha Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
10h40am - 11h am - Networking Break
11h am - 12h40pm
Program: In-House Counsel in Latin America
This panel will address the challenges of the relationship between the legal department of foreign investors in Latin America and the region's law firms. What are international clients' expectations in this relationship? What are the characteristics of a successful in-house department and of a law firm in the region? What are the best methods to ensure accurate communication, full trust and transparency? For investors in Latin America, what are the key factors for hiring local legal counsel and the best law firm practices from in-house counsel's perspective?
-André de Almeida (moderator), Almeida Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Cinthia Ambrogi, Elektro, Campinas, Brazil
-Décio Alarcom, EMC2, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Edmundo Olivares, Aeromexico, México City, Mexico
-George Miller, Novartis Coroporation, New York, USA
-André de Almeida, Almeida Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
11h am - 12h40 pm
Program: Antitrust as Industrial Policy Tool?
In this panel, government authorities and private practitioners will discuss the application of competition laws to foreign investors. It will address the perception sometimes expressed that competition laws are applied to foreign investors differently from the way they are applied to domestic ones. It will debate the difference between this perception and the realities of competition-law enforcement in the region, with specific focus on Argentina, Brazil, Mexico and the United States.
José Ignácio Gonzaga Franceschini (moderator), Franceschini e Miranda Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Elizabeth Farina, Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica - CADE, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Gabriel Castañeda Gallardo, Castañeda y Asociados, Delegacion Miguel Hidalgo, Mexico
-Marcelo den Toom, M. & M. Bomchil, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Shanker A. Singham, Squires Sanders & Dempsey LLP, Miami, USA
-Regis Coppini Meireles de Lima, Bastos Tigre, Coelho da Rocha e Lopes Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
1h pm - 2h15pm - Ticketed Event
Luncheon with Distinguished Guest
2h30pm - 4h10pm
Program: Capital Markets and IPO
This roundtable discussion will assess the realities of booming capital markets in Latin America, their prospects and strategies for further development and the future of regional capital markets, including possible regional integration of stock exchanges. Panelists from several jurisdictions will debate the results of recent IPOs and the globalization of capital markets and compliance standards, including accounting rules and corporate governance issues. The panel will also explore the perspectives, experiences, and future plans in Latin America of highly developed stock exchanges such as NYSE and LSE, with a view to identify whether such stock exchanges are becoming competitors in these markets.
-Durval de Noronha Goyos Jr. (moderator), Noronha Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Antônio Piccirillo, Proskauer Rose LLP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-J. Anthony Girolami, Chadbourne & Parke, Mexico City, Mexico
-Francesca Odell, Cleary Gottlieb, New York, USA
-Alexandre Ibrahim, New York Stock Exchange - NYSE, New York, USA
-Alexandre Leite Ribeiro do Valle, Noronha Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Marcelo Freitas Pereira, Siqueira Castro Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
2h30pm - 4h10pm
Program: Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Commercial Context
The past decade has seen an explosion of commercial arbitration in Latin America, as investors both foreign and domestic have turned to this form of dispute resolution as an alternative to local courts. This panel will provide a forum for exchanging experiences with arbitration and mediation in the region, evaluating the effectiveness of the current system and exploring the future of alternative dispute resolution in Latin America. It will also examine the practical essentials of drafting arbitration clauses that are enforceable in the region.
-Alberto Murray Neto (moderator), Paulo Roberto Murray Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Carlos Alberto Carmona, Marques Rosado, Toledo, Cesar e Carmona Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Guillermo Cabanellas, Cabanellas, Etchebarne, Kelly & Dell'Oro Maini, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Michael Socarras, McDermott Will & Emery, Washington, DC, USA
-Sandra Gonzales, Ferrere Abogados, Montevideo, Uruguay
-Patrícia Goldberg Terpins, Paulo Roberto Murray - Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
4h10pm - 4h30pm
Networking Coffee Break
4h30pm - 6h10pm
Program: The Latin American Tax System and Foreign Investment
Tax considerations are almost always one of the most important legal considerations for foreign investors considering a major investment in Latin America. This panel will offer the perspective of foreign investors and their tax advisors on how they address for investments in the region the critical question: what will the effective tax rate be? It will further debate the characteristics of a tax system that favors foreign investment and the concerns of foreign investors with respect to the tax systems currently in place in Latin America - and what modifications would be required to diminish these concerns.
José Antônio Miguel Neto (moderator), Miguel Neto Advogados Associados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Jonas Bergstein, Estudio Bergstein, Montevideo, Uruguay
Marcio Neves, Veirano Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Roberto Márquez Alonso, Márquez Alonso Abogados, Cuajimalpa, Mexico
-Sam Kaywood, Alston and Bird, Atlanta, USA
Cristina Andrade Salvador, Miguel Neto Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
4h30 pm - 6h10 pm
Program: Intellectual Property Protection: Where Latin America Was and Where It Should Be
Latin America has seen an improvement in enforcement of intellectual property rights in recent years, as demonstrated by the fact that Brazil has recently been removed from the worldwide intellectual property infringement "watch list." This panel will debate the extent of the improvement, what measures can and likely will be taken to increase respect for IP rights and current developments in the approaches taken by government and industry to implement an optimal IP protection program.
-Maristela Basso (moderator), University of Sao Paulo - USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
-Gabriel Francisco Leonardos of Momsen, Leonardos & Cia., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
-Gustavo Giay, Marval, O'Farrell & Mairal, Buenos Aires, Argentina
-Markus Wanger, WANGER Advokatürbüro, Vaduz, Fürstentum Liechtenstein
-Rodrigo Marre G. Mackenna, Irarrazaval, Cuchacovich & Paz, Santiago, Chile
-Annaisa Jardim de Freitas Borges, Amaral Gurgel Fischer & Foster Advogados, Sao Paulo, Brazil
8h30pm - 10h30pm
Ticketed Event
Closing Reception and Dinner at Churrascaria Fogo de Chão
Organização do evento
-Almeida Advogados
Amaral Gurgel Advogados
-Noronha Advogados
-Fragatta e Antunes Advogados
Siqueira Castro Advogados
Miguel Neto Advogados Associados
-Paulo Roberto Murray - Advogados
-Bastos Tigre, Coelho da Rocha e Lopes Advogados
Toron, Tonihara e Szafir Advogados
Pedro Alberto Costa Braga de Oliveira, gerente jurídico da Enel Brasil Participações Ltda.
Raphael Ghiuro Passarelli, advogado do Banco Bradesco BBI S.A