A tradução do termo licença no contexto trabalhista: leave
No cenário trabalhista, conhecemos diversos tipos de licença, remunerada (paid) ou não (unpaid) pelo empregador, sem ou com garantia de emprego (job protected leave).
Nesse contexto, a tradução do termo licença para o inglês é, em regra, leave [of absence]. Tanto o termo leave como o termo licença formam colocações com diversos outros termos. Entre essas combinações lexicais temos1:
licença adoção – foster care leave
"Foster care leave: When an employee becomes a foster parent, he/she may request and be granted up to 12 weeks of leave, to be taken any time during the 12 months beginning with the date of placement of the child."2
licença gestante – pregnancy leave
"Failing to credit female workers for pregnancy leave in their pensions amounts to a current violation of antidiscrimination laws."
licença maternidade – maternity leave
"Out of 177 countries surveyed, 169 offer paid maternity leave, 145 guarantee paid sick days, 137 mandate paid vacation[…]"
licença médica – medical leave
"Troubling news tonight for Apple cofounder and CEO Steve Jobs. Jobs is taking a medical leave of absence until the end of June."
licença não remunerada – unpaid leave
[The] "Family and Medical Leave Act, which allowed workers at larger firms to take unpaid leave because of pregnancy or medical conditions."
licença paternidade – paternity leave
"[…] we all know that the concept of men taking paternity leave is still taboo in plenty of workplaces."
licença remunerada – paid leave
[In] "BULGARIA Moms receive 45 days of paid leave prior to their due date, and can take a full two years of paid leave per child."
licença saúde – sick leave, disability leave
"In 1978, Congress passed the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, which required companies to offer pregnancy leave on equal terms with disability leave policies for men."
licença trabalhista – worker’s leave
"Unless there is a relevant agreement for another date, the worker’s leave year begins on the date employment commenced […]"3
Atenção para o cognato license (e.g. driver’s license), pois nem sempre representará a alternativa de tradução mais idiomática.
2Fonte do exemplo: (clique aqui) acessado em 4/9/09.
3Fonte do exemplo: Lewis, D. & Sargeant, M. Essentials of Employment Law. London: CIPD (p. 125).