Migalaw English

As colocações de judgment – Parte 2


As colocações de judgment – Parte 2

Dando sequência à coluna da semana passada, apresentamos mais alguns padrões linguísticos que co-ocorrem com judgment.

A riqueza de padrões linguísticos identificados por meio de corpora – no caso abaixo por meio do COCA1 – supera, em muito, as informações microestruturais oferecidas em tradicionais obras terminográficas.

11. default judgment (ver judgment by nil dicit) – "If you fail to file an answer and you have a default judgment that's made against you in this case, you will live a life of hell for a long time to come." Tradução: julgamento à revelia

12. deferred judgment – "The sexual assault and robbery charges were dropped, but a 2001 arrest for marijuana possession revoked a deferred judgment on the first drug charge." Tradução: suspensão de sentença condenatória

13. deficiency judgment – "Some states, such as California and Arizona, provide protection to people who walk away from their mortgages through "nonrecourse" laws, which means a lender can not pursue a borrower it has foreclosed on for the additional balance of the loan once the property is in its hands, said Zywicki of George Mason. Yet as a practical matter, few lenders appear to be pursuing those who walk away even in states where they can, he said. A deficiency judgment may be available but too cumbersome or expensive to obtain, "he explained." Or the borrower might not have any assets worth chasing -- as would be especially likely to be the case for subprime borrowers." – Tradução: sentença que condena o devedor a pagar o total da dívida se o bem dado em garantia não for suficiente para quitá-la

14. definitive judgment (see final judgment)

15. determinative judgment (see final judgment)

16. domestic judgment – "A domestic judgment is one that was entered by a court within the state of Arizona. A domestic judgment is good for five years and can be extended for an additional five years"2 Tradução: sentença doméstica, sentença proferida no país/estado onde foi realizado o julgamento

17. dormant judgmentTradução: sentença não executada, sentença prescrita

18. erroneous judgment "In Morgan County, jurors told one man they found he exercised erroneous judgment and no criminal intent" – Tradução: juízo equivocado

19. excess judgment – "The reason the insurance company would prefer to avoid trial with this type of case is the possibility of an excess judgment award."3 Tradução: perdas e danos excessivos, danos morais excessivos, pena excessiva, excess de pena

20. executory judgment "Art. 2782. Procedure; execution of executory judgment A. A creditor wishing to have a judgment of a Louisiana court made executory, as provided in Article 2781, may file an ex parte petition complying with Article 891, with a certified copy of the judgment annexed, praying that the judgment be made executory"4 Tradução: sentença exequível



2Fonte do exemplo: https://www.ehow.com/facts_7562990_statute-limitations-collection-judgment-arizona.html

3Fonte do exemplo: https://thomasvalonzo.com/blog/lawyers/excess-judgment-jury-award/

4Fonte do exemplo: https://www.legis.state.la.us/leg_docs/04RS/CVT4/OUT/0000L08C.PDF


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Luciana Carvalho Fonseca é professora doutora do Departamento de Letras Modernas (DLM) da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH/USP) e da pós-graduação em Tradução (TRADUSP). Fundadora da TradJuris - Law, Language and Culture e autora dos livros "Inglês Jurídico: Tradução e Terminologia" (2014) e "Eu não quero outra cesárea" (2016).