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Mais colocações nominais com o termo jury - Parte 2


Mais colocações nominais com o termo jury - Parte 2

Dando sequência às colocações nominais com o termo júri, abaixo mais exemplos e respectivas sugestões de tradução.

15. jury information – informação [sigilosa] resultante de julgamento pelo júri

"The Patriot Act allows sharing wiretap results and grand jury information when that constitutes foreign intelligence information."

16. jury inquiry – investigação pelo tribunal do júri [Nos E.U.A., o grande júri possui competência investigatória também.]

"In 1963, apparently trying to avoid another grand jury inquiry in New York, he fled to Canada but was deported to the United States, where he had become a naturalized citizen in 1945 despite his illegal entry into the country as a young man."

17. jury instructions – orientação aos jurados

"The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously overturned the verdict last year because of faulty jury instructions."

18. jury investigation - investigação pelo tribunal do júri [Nos E.U.A., o grande júri possui competência investigatória também.]

"He was the target of a federal grand jury investigation into alleged payoffs to police to protect gambling at the 1978 Southeastern Fair."

19. jury list – lista geral dos jurados

"The jury list was drawn from the 1,200 adults on the electoral roll of the island, an Australian territory 1,180 miles northwest of Sydney."

20. jury member – membro do conselho de sentença, jurado

"She approached the jury member on the morning after jurors had told the trial judge they were unable to agree on whether Rabbi Fred J. Neulander was responsible for the 1994 murder of his wife, Carol - and the case appeared headed for a hung jury declaration."

21. jury misconduct1 - ausência de correspondente direto. Possíveis traduções, no contexto brasileiro, seriam: quebra da incomunicabilidade do jurado, coação no curso do processo, favorecimento pessoal, entre outras.

"That trial was overturned for jury misconduct and a new trial ordered."

22. jury nullification – ausência de correspondente direito. Possíveis traduções: princípio da nulificação do tribunal do júri (neologismo), princípio da soberania absoluta do tribunal do júri (paráfrase)

"Jury nullification refers to the power that jurors have to acquit people even when they think they're guilty. Jury nullification is based on the idea that the law isn't made by God. It's made by people, like Newt Gingrich, who are capable of being wrong."

23. jury panel – conselho de sentença

"Unlike civilian trials, where the jury panel is randomly selected and comes from just about all walks of life, a military panel is appointed by the convening authority based upon factors such as age, education, time in service, and temperament."

24. jury perjury – corresponde, em parte, ao crime de falso testemunho ou falsa perícia [No Brasil, previsto no art. 342 do Código Penal: Fazer afirmação falsa, ou negar ou calar a verdade como testemunha, perito, contador, tradutor ou intérprete em processo judicial, ou administrativo, inquérito policial, ou em juízo arbitral. Pena – reclusão de um três anos, e multa. Nos E.U.A., o crime também pode ser praticado pelo réu.]; crime de perjúrio (neologismo)

"Remember on grand jury perjury, the president admitted to having an affair with Monica Lewinsky."

25. jury pool - jurados alistados, lista de jurados

"But prosecutors and defense lawyers also are keenly aware of the demographics of the jury pool in traditionally conservative Virginia."


1Louisiana Criminal Code, §130. Jury misconduct A. Jury misconduct is committed when: (1) Any petit or grand juror shall make any promise or agreement to give a verdict or finding for or against any party. (2) Any petit juror shall intentionally permit any person to influence him, or attempt to influence him, in respect to his verdict in any cause pending, or about to be brought before him, otherwise than in the regular course of proceedings upon the trial of such cause. (3) Any petit juror shall either use or consume any beverage of low or high alcoholic content during the time he is in actual service as juror. (4) Any petit juror accepts or offers to accept anything of apparent present or prospective value, before he is discharged from his services as a juror, even if the thing of value is not to be received, delivered, or come to fruition until after discharge from jury service, for his interpretation, impression, analysis or narrative, verbal or written, regarding any element of the criminal trial or jury deliberations. B. Whoever commits the crime of jury misconduct, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned for not more than six months, or both. Amended by Acts 1958, No. 80, §1; Acts 1991, No. 967, §1.


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Luciana Carvalho Fonseca é professora doutora do Departamento de Letras Modernas (DLM) da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH/USP) e da pós-graduação em Tradução (TRADUSP). Fundadora da TradJuris - Law, Language and Culture e autora dos livros "Inglês Jurídico: Tradução e Terminologia" (2014) e "Eu não quero outra cesárea" (2016).