Jury duty e jury service
Faz algumas semanas que estamos investigando as colocações do termo jury que refletem, não apenas a abrangência do instituto, mas também a presença significativa que o júri possui na vida do cidadão americano. As expressões jury duty e jury service são reflexo dessa presença haja vista o grande número de colocações de que são partes.
Portanto, dando prosseguimento ao tema, selecionamos e apresentamos sugestões de tradução para as principais colocações de jury duty e jury service (serviço do júri, função do jurado, trabalho do júri).
1. be barred from jury service – ser excluído do serviço do júri
• "That court has decided that a state can not bar colored men from jury service because the debarment would brand them as an inferior class of citizens […]"
2. be eligible for jury service – passível de ser convocado para serviço do júri
• "Under California law, women were eligible for jury service."
3. be on jury duty – desempenhar função de jurado
• "For all of us who have been on jury duty, you know that there are a million reasons why you can get disqualified […]"
4. be on the list for jury duty – ser alistado para serviço do júri
• "If you were a private citizen and on the list for jury duty and you understand that this trial is going to run for months."
5. called for jury duty – ser convocado para serviço do júri
• "Several recent studies have found that people called for jury duty often feel they are treated rudely and are unappreciated."
6. cancel appearance for jury duty – cancelar convocação para serviço do júri
• "But in the mail on Saturday I got another letter from the District Court, this one canceling my scheduled appearance for jury duty, and I was surprised to feel great relief."
7. exempt/excused from jury service – ser isento de serviço do júri
• "Edward v. Healy, 421 U.S. 772 (1975), one of two cases that invalidated a Louisiana law exempting women from jury service unless they requested otherwise."
8. excluded from jury service – ser excluído do serviço do júri
• "Gender-based peremptory strikes were hardly practicable for most of our country's existence since, until the 19th century, women were completely excluded from jury service."
9. rejected for jury duty – ser excluído do serviço do júri
• "Jeffers was a melancholy, unsocial man, once rejected for jury duty in a homicide case because the lawyer for the defense thought his eyes looked cruel."
10. report for jury duty – comparecer para serviço do júri
• "I found my letter from the District Court telling me to report for jury duty service in two weeks, on a Monday morning at 8:45."
11. selected to appear for jury duty – alistado para serviço do júri
• "He had been selected to appear for jury duty and was not hopeful he could get excused."
12. summoned for jury duty – convocados a comparecer para serviço do júri
• "More than 5 million Americans are summoned for jury duty each year."
13. try to avoid jury service – tentar evitar serviço do júri
• "I have the distinct impression that you're intentionally trying to avoid jury service."
14. volunteer for jury duty – voluntariar-se para serviço do júri
• "They also tried to encourage non-voters to volunteer for jury duty."