Migalaw English

Warrant como verbo


Warrant como verbo

Nas colunas anteriores, oferecemos exemplos da tradução de warrant para o português. Examinamos, warrant como substantivo seguido de outros nomes (em colocações nominais) e verbos (em colocações verbais) e como adjetivo.

Dando prosseguimento ao tema, abordaremos, com base em corpora eletrônicos e, consequentemente, com base em exemplos reais que ocorrem naturalmente em inglês, algumas traduções de warrant como verbo. Para levantar as ocorrências de warrant na classe gramatical eleita, a expressão de busca adotada, no COCA1 por exemplo, foi warrant.[v*].

Os exemplos números 1, 3 e 8, foram retirados do CorTec/COMET/USP2, os demais do COCA.

1. asseverar: "The Landlord warrants that he is the sole owner of the leasehold and/or freehold (as the case may be) interest in the Premises […]"

2. autorizar: "In the cases of politically disfavored individuals, the King's courts had often set unreachably high bail and imposed unpayable fines for comparatively minor offenses which, under the Habeas Corpus Act of 1679, warranted bail before conviction, and for which the legally proper punishments were fines."

3. declarar: "Client represents and warrants that the information supplied to Nominee by Client or any agent or representative of Client in connection with this agreement is accurate and complete."

4. determinar: "Juries did not convict bondswomen for their crimes to the degree their alleged violations of the law would seem to warrant, certainly not when compared to slave men."

5. exigir: "Plans may change as circumstances warrant."

6. justificar: "Then, this April, based on a tip, police raided Rachel's apartment and found what they say was enough to warrant a felony charge for running a drug house."

7. merecer: "Rehnquist did not define what constitutes the requisite ideological content necessary for First Amendment protection. In the commercial speech opinions he wrote after Virginia Pharmacy, he offered little more to explain how he would define speech warranting constitutional protection."

8. prometer, obrigar-se a: "The Landlord warrants that he will comply with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) (Amendment) (No 2) Regulations."

9. reclamar, requerer: "The following section describes some of the factors that appear to warrant consideration."

10. ser digno de; conseguir em virtude de seus méritos: "[…] Arizona State University, before its graduation ceremonies yesterday, announced a new scholarship program named for the president, but President Obama did not receive the usual honorary degree that presidents get speaking at graduations because in this university' s view, President Obama had not done enough on the job or have been on the job long enough to warrant an honorary degree."3


1Corpus of Contemporary American English disponível em https://www.americancorpus.org

2CorTec – Corpora Técnicos do Projeto COMET disponível em https://www.fflch.usp.br/dlm/comet/consulta_cortec.html

3Corpus of Contemporary American English disponível em https://www.americancorpus.org


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Luciana Carvalho Fonseca é professora doutora do Departamento de Letras Modernas (DLM) da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH/USP) e da pós-graduação em Tradução (TRADUSP). Fundadora da TradJuris - Law, Language and Culture e autora dos livros "Inglês Jurídico: Tradução e Terminologia" (2014) e "Eu não quero outra cesárea" (2016).