Migalaw English

Colocações verbais com o termo warrant


Colocações verbais com o termo warrant

Além de co-ocorrer com determinados nomes (e.g. arrest warrant – mandado de prisão), o substantivo warrant co-ocorre naturalmente com lexemas de outras classes gramaticais como preposições (e.g. without a warrant - sem mandado) e verbos (e.g. execute a warrant – cumprir mandado).

Acerca das colocações verbais, Tagnin (2005) esclarece que: 'Existem substantivos que co-ocorrem naturalmente com determinados verbos, mas que podem diferir de uma língua para outra'.

Em outras palavras, embora em português usemos os verbos anular, cumprir e intimar com mandado, em inglês as traduções correspondentes a essas combinações comportam verbos diferentes, tais como rescind, execute e serve, respectivamente.

Abaixo, algumas colocações verbais com o termo warrant na estrutura verbo + warrant. Os correspondentes são sugeridos por nós, os exemplos, extraídos do COCA1.

1. arrest on a warrant – prender com mandado judicial

• "On October 3, spymaster Werner Grossman was arrested on a warrant issued some time earlier, but was released the next day."

2. execute a warrant – cumprir mandado judicial

• "On April 2004, agents from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service surrounded a trailer outside Grants, New Mexico, to execute a search warrant."

3. get a warrant – obter/conseguir mandado judicial

• "As for the necklace that was left on the grave in California, it did not contain any relevant DNA, but detectives still have enough of a case against Castaneda to get a warrant for his arrest."

4. have a warrant – possuir mandado judicial

• "I have a warrant to search this warehouse."

5. issue a warrant – expedir/extrair mandado judicial

• "In one week's time we were able to get enough evidence to convince a judge to issue a warrant to go seize that property."

6. justify a warrant – justificar expedição de mandado judicial

• "Both benches said that since I haven't talked to Whitman yet, they didn't believe I had enough probable cause to justify a warrant at this time."

7. need a warrant – precisar de mandado judicial

• "But do you need a warrant for this kind of information?"

8. obtain a warrant – obter mandado judicial

• "Investigators obtain a warrant and search Garcia's $900,000 home, 15 miles from the casino."

9. order a warrant – emitir/expedir mandado judicial

• "A student leader, he took to the jungles when Diem's police ordered a warrant for his arrest."

10. produce a warrant – produzir mandado judicial

• "He was questioning Armand Rojas, the day-shift doorman, but stopped as soon as Harry appeared at the door, and produced a warrant to search the apartment."


1 Corpus of Contemporary American English disponível em https://www.americancorpus.org


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Luciana Carvalho Fonseca é professora doutora do Departamento de Letras Modernas (DLM) da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo (FFLCH/USP) e da pós-graduação em Tradução (TRADUSP). Fundadora da TradJuris - Law, Language and Culture e autora dos livros "Inglês Jurídico: Tradução e Terminologia" (2014) e "Eu não quero outra cesárea" (2016).